Time management.

Ever get that deer in headlights feeling? Ever feel totally overwhelmed with all the stuff you have to do? Well that's me right now. I LITERALLY HAVE 20 THINGS TO DO and I refuse to stay up all night and do them. If anyone has any time management suggestions, please let me know. Dying over here. It's not funny anymore.

It's true! No one really sleeps in New York City!

Including me during fashion week. I was just looking at my calendar in the last eight days I covered 33 shows, did 15 designer interviews, 10 celebrity interviews, had 9 outfit changes, 5 blow outs,  was quoted 4 times as a "fashion and retail expert" (only one interview made it to print), went to 3 after parties, was on TV twice and had one panic attack. Total hours slept for the past 8 days? About 24... 


This is term my old friend used to use when we worked at MTV. She also used to say stuff like, "just bang it out." Hence my life right now. I am "bananas" and just trying to "bang everything out." Tomorrow is the beginning of fashion week. I will be appearing on Fox Business. I will be covering for various publications. I will also be doing an interview with Patricia Field. Thinking about it all is making my head spin.

Productive day.

Instead of going holiday shopping, I decided to plow through my "list of things to do today" and I am happy to report I got through most of of it! Expenses: Done. Responding to random e-mails: Done. Invoices: Done. Woo! Also, stay tuned for the biggest, badest, most awesome last  minute gift guide coming to you at the beginning of the week. I promise you won't be dissapointed!!